Strength Ball Training

Strength Ball Training
Strength Ball Training
SKU: 803

This course is offered in cooperation with Human Kinetics and includes the paperback textbook, “Strength Ball Training” by Lorne Goldenberg and Peter Twist, c2007.

Develop strength, power, coordination, balance, and core stability using the medicine ball and stability ball exercises included in this course. Preferred by elite athletes, fitness experts, and strength and conditioning specialists, these exercises train the body as a linked system rather than targeting muscles in isolation. Over 140 exercises targeting all the major muscle groups are discussed in this exciting course!

Exercises start with the core, where most movements are initiated, and then move out to the periphery, combining strength and balance in all the major muscle groups and the supporting muscles. Watch as the authors demonstrate key stability and medicine ball exercises, correct common errors, and explain how variations of the exercises can provide additional benefits on the 90 minute DVD accompanying the textbook.

Strength Ball Training also includes a sample 16-week program with an excellent array of strength, flexibility, and balance challenges that may also be customized to design your own strength ball program. 281 pages and 90 minute DVD.

Course Length: 4.0 contact hours

Instructional Level: Beginner/Intermediate

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Strength Ball Training

Course Goals and Objectives:

This course is intended to instruct the student through self-paced study on benefits of strength training utilizing balance balls, medicine balls and BOSU Dynamic Stabilizing Load balls and to enable the student to create therapeutic exercise programs for patient and clients utilizing these balls.

Student Objectives:

At the end of this course the student will be able to:

1. Identify the goals of a warm up.
2. Identify the differences between establishing an exercise program for a child or young athlete compared to an adult exercise program.

3. Identify challenges and solutions to establishing an exercise program for an obese child.

4. Identify components in choosing exercises and progressions utilizing balance balls, medicine balls and BOSU Dynamic Stabilizing Load balls.

5. Identify 6 progressions for training on a stability ball.

6. Identify 6 progressions for training with medicine balls.

7. Identify correct sizing of stability balls for a patient or client.

8. Identify precautions for training with balance balls, medicine balls and BOSU Dynamic Stabilizing Load balls.

9. Identify 32 ball exercises emphasizing core stabilization.

10. Identify 14 ball exercises emphasizing core rotation.

11. Identify 23 ball exercises emphasizing strength training for the legs and hips.

12. Identify 18 ball exercises emphasizing strength training for the chest.

13. Identify 17 ball exercises emphasizing strength training for the shoulders and upper back.

14. Identify 11 ball exercises emphasizing strength training for the abdominals, lower back and gluteal musculature.

15. Identify 9 ball exercises emphasizing strength training for the biceps, triceps and forearms.

16. Identify 12 ball exercises emphasizing “whole body” strength training.

17. Identify 6 flexibility exercises that can be done with balls.

18. Identify the components of strength ball programs and be able to utilize the reference materials to create and individualize a strength ball program for a patient or client.

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