Strength Ball Training, 3rd Edition

Strength Ball Training, 3rd Edition
Strength Ball Training , 3rd Edition
SKU: 812

This course is offered in cooperation with Human Kinetics and includes the paperback textbook, “Strength Ball Training” by Lorne Goldenberg and Peter Twist, c2016.

Who says the best can’t get better? The third edition of Strength Ball Training delivers more exercises, programs, assessments, and videos for better results.

Preferred by elite athletes, fitness experts, and strength and conditioning specialists, stability and medicine ball exercises are essential to developing core power, strength, balance, coordination, and stability. Strength Ball Training presents those exercises along with instruction and advice on achieving results.

Inside you will find assessments to help you determine your current ability level and corrective exercises that address deficiencies. The exercises can be sequenced to create individual programs that target specific regions or enhance total-body performance. You’ll learn to incorporate equipment such as cables, bands, and dumbbells for added versatility and increased resistance. Watch as the authors demonstrate the most complex and advanced exercises in the 50 online video clips.

Strength Ball Training also includes sample programs with a full array of strength, flexibility, and balance challenges that will test you to your very core. 330 pages and access to over 90 minutes of online video clips.

Course Length: 4.0 contact hours

Instructional Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Strength Ball Training, 3rd Edition

Course Goals:

This course is intended to instruct the student through self-paced study on benefits of strength training utilizing balance balls, medicine balls and BOSU Dynamic Stabilizing Load balls and to enable the student to create therapeutic exercise programs for patient and clients utilizing these balls.

Student Objectives:

At the end of this course the student will be able to:
1. Identify the physiologic characteristics of muscle fibers, connective fibers and nerve fibers and their application to muscle strength and stability.
2. Define balance.
3. Identify components of evidence based practice in terms of past and current research studies into specific benefits of training with a ball and other unstable surfaces.
4. Identify the goals of a warm up.
5. Identify the differences between establishing an exercise program for a child or young athlete compared to an adult exercise program.
6. Analyze challenges and solutions to establishing an exercise program for an obese child.
7. Recognize components in choosing exercises and progressions utilizing balance balls, medicine balls and BOSU Dynamic Stabilizing Load balls.
8. Recognize 6 progressions for training on a stability ball.
9. Recognize 6 progressions for training with medicine balls.
10. Choose correct sizing of stability balls for a patient or client.
11. Understand precautions and contraindications for training with balance balls, medicine balls and BOSU Dynamic Stabilizing Load balls.
12. Recognize 29 ball exercises emphasizing core stabilization.
13. Recognize 15 ball exercises emphasizing core rotation.
14. Recognize 24 ball exercises emphasizing strength training for the legs and hips.
15. Recognize 17 ball exercises emphasizing strength training for the chest.
16. Recognize 16 ball exercises emphasizing strength training for the shoulders and upper back.
17. Recognize 12 ball exercises emphasizing strength training for the abdominals, lower back and gluteal musculature.
18. Recognize 8 ball exercises emphasizing strength training for the biceps, triceps and forearms..
19. Recognize 14 ball exercises emphasizing “whole body” strength training.
20. Identify the components of strength ball programs and be able to utilize the reference materials to create and individualize a strength ball program for a patient or client.

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